Built as the Cole Motor Car Company, this massive complex was home to inventors, engineers, and machinists for nearly a century. More recently, it became “Jail 2” and created a void of activity in the area. Next, it will become a mixed-use anchor that will reconnect downtown to the Near Eastside.
752 E Market St, Indianapolis, IN
With a mix of loft-style apartments, neighborhood retail, and education opportunities, the development will have something for everyone.
The property knits back together the Cole Noble and Holy Cross neighborhoods, healing decades of disinvestment.
The Cole Motor Car Company was a cutting edge innovator in the early 20th century, competing with companies like Cadillac and Duesenberg. We plan to fully restore the unique historic character of the campus.
The Cole campus at the height of the company’s success, 1920. Bass Photo Co. Collection, Indiana Historical Society